come as you are Church Street
AB44 1UN

For Our Community Continue to pray for all those who work in the NHS and health services, and for those who have the responsibilities of leadership and decision-making.

A prayer for Sunday 2 February

Merciful God,
In love You made us, in love You call us.
But we confess we do not live as the people
You made and meant us to be.
We have not loved You with our whole hearts
we have not loved our neighbours as ourselves.
For the sake of Your Son, our Saviour,
forgive us our sins we pray.
Free us from being centred on ourselves
and give us grace to live our lives in love.

God, who is both power and love,
forgive us and free us from our sins,
heal and strengthen us by the Holy Spirit,
and raise us to new life in Christ Our Lord.


(From The Church of Scotland worship materials.)

Join us for worship at 11.00am on Sundays.

What you will find:

  • A warm welcome and friendly people
  • a mixture of contemporary and traditional hymns and songs
  • Junior Church activities and toddlers creche
  • praise band monthly
  • Bible-focussed preaching
  • tea and coffee following worship

Come as you are!

Live Streaming of Sunday Services

Our Sunday Morning services are available on-line as a live stream on our YouTube channel.

Click here to subscribe to our channel and get notifications of upcoming services.

Youth Groups

All Stars every Tuesday in the Macduff Parish Church Hall for babies and pre-schoolers every Tuesday 1 - 2.30pm.
Junior Jaffa every Friday during term time at Macduff Primary School for P1-3.
Jaffa approximately every fourth Friday 7 - 8.30pm in the Macduff Parish Church Hall for P4-5.
JPlus approximately every fourth Friday from 7.30 - 9pm in the Macduff Parish Church Hall for P6-7.

Specific dates for Jaffa and JPlus can be checked by going to the Church calendar.

Presbytery of North East and Northern Isles”

Mission Plan 2022 Committee

Please click here to see the Mission Plan 2022 for the Presbytery of Buchan.

On Line Giving

Can't make to church this week? Connected to us but live further afield now? You can now support the work of MPC financially by giving on-line using our new PayPal button at the foot of this page even if you don t have a PayPal account. This is a great way to be part of our team! Remember that PayPal will deduct a small administration fee from your donation.


Welcome to our website!

We are a congregation of the Church of Scotland with a passion for sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our aim is that everyone in our town, parish and beyond will hear about the saving Grace of Jesus and our prayer is that many men, women, boys and girls will respond to His invitation to follow Him. We are a lively church with a lot going on for all-ages during the week, not just Sundays.

So take some time to look through this site to find out more about what s happening here. It will give you a flavour of who and what we are as a congregation. More immediate information can be found on our Facebook Page. We hope that as you browse our site and Facebook page, you will want to come and join us in worship and our other activities, but more importantly, that you may be encourage to find out more about Jesus.

Our church building has stood on its present site since 1805, overlooking the town and harbour. Adjacent to it stand the town cross and a large historic anchor, recovered from the bay, both of which together provide a symbolic reminder of the message of the church - that Jesus Christ, crucified and risen, is our steadfast anchor in life; and as our church tower was once used to guide boats into the harbour, it is our hope and prayer that Christ s light will guide you through life and, in time, into His 'heavenly harbour'.

PayPal Button

You can support the work of Macduff Parish Church by giving on-line. If you are not registered with PayPal then donate as a Guest , that way you don t have to register. Be sure to identify yourself so we know who has given. Thank you.